If you're getting ready to edit a video and don't have a detailed plan on paper, you must have a lot of extra time and money, because that's the cost of not having a storyboard. Last week we (hopefully) succesfully convinced you that you need to be storyboarding before you... Making high quality videos for your business doesn't have to involve hiring a professional production team for every single shot. Which ones can you get on your own? What's the best way to get them? That's what we are talking about in this weeks #BehindtheStream. #StorySELLing #YourStoryMatters ... We're continuing our three part series this week on a great project with the Colorado Thought Leaders Forum. Last week, it was all about Pre Production. This week, we're talking about how Production (normally a 'shoot') looks when working with a client who already has a bunch of great video... We put video project timelines into three buckets. Pre Production, Production, and Post Production. This week we are starting a three part series on one of our amazing clients, who had a whole lot of video assets from several different events, but needed a little help in pulling them all... Let me ask you a question. Do you want to create a video for your business but just haven't? You are not alone. I wish I had an easy answer for how to create a video and feel super good about being on camera, the message you put out, and... Mainstream recently completed a new half hour doc for Rocky Mountain PBS. You can stream it here: As with most things, there wasn't an unlimted budget. Learn how our team assessed all the possibilies and got the most bang for the buck in this weeks #BehindtheStream. #StorySELLing #YourStoryMatters ... You know what's cool about technology?  It makes more possible.  Studies show that somewhere between 70-90% of communication is non-verbal, so I want to write out all the ways that video can save you time and make you money.  But I know I will be at least 70-90% more effective if I have... If I could give you just one tip for creating videos for your business, this would be the one. Wondering what it is? You'll have to watch the video to find out. If you are interested in taking the first step to creating videos for your business, sign up for... Teleprompters. If you are thinking about making videos for your business, you may be thinking, "What could be easier than reading off of a screen?" Well the READING isn't the hard part (just ask the Ron Burgundys of the world.) Our non-teleprompter cheat is big on authenticity, and still pretty...