Cold calling not only annoys a lot of people on the receiving end, it also isn't super effective. How about creating videos selling your value, and placing that video on social media, your website and anywhere else your clients hang out online? If you need some inspiration, check out this... One of the most true sayings in sales is "sell the sizzle, not the steak."  I can't think of a better way to do that than creating a video to showcase what makes your product, service or conference stand out.  Check out this week's #BehindtheStream to see how one of our clients highlighted the best... Whether its DIY, a full service script shoot and edit, or a little bit of both, Mainstream wants to help you create videos for your business. When we started the Mainstream Video #BehindtheStream series over 3 years ago, we got scrappy, and this week we are taking you behind the... At Mainstream we often have the privilege to work on projects with people who are doing so much good in the world. We LOVE getting the opportunity to help tell the story using the most powerful communication tool there is... Coming up with content ideas can feel paralyzing. And sometimes the best ideas are hiding in plain sight. If you talk to people about the work you do, you have content. How to turn that into video you can post online - well that's our speciality, and what we are... If you are training, educating or helping one person, what's stopping you from helping 1000? If you utilize the video medium, the answer to this question is nothing. Have a look at this week's Behind the Stream to learn how one of our clients took an existing training program and... The logistics that go into putting together an in person event (especially factoring in Covid PTSD) are vast indeed.  So if you have gone to the trouble to set one up, do yourself a favor and make sure you have a video crew there to cover it.  Learn more about the huge...