12 Sep Behind the Stream: Video Changes The World
Remember the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? I sure do. Did you know it raised over $115 million and generated around 17 MILLION videos, most of them just a single shot? If you’re aiming to make a big impact, good luck doing it without video.
One of our clients, Michelle Ashby from Ace Consulting, knows this better than anyone. Her mission is to get more women on corporate boards, and video has been a key part of her strategy. While she’s worked with us on full-service video production, she also understands something crucial: DIY video is better than no video at all. Thanks to this mindset, she’s been able to create a wealth of content that truly connects with her audience.
Beth: Okay, so we are doing another case study today of one of our best and favorite clients, which is true of all of our clients, and this is a client we’ve had– we’ve done several things for but the video we’re talking about today is their website video.
Beth: So for ACE’s ideal client, they are women that are thinking about being on corporate boards; They might have some self-doubt or some fear about joining a board, and that is where they meet Michele and ACE. And they learn all of the things they need to learn– she takes them through, she has the certification programs, she has different types of certification programs, and she wanted to create a video where she helped these women who are having doubts, wondering about this journey for themselves to say “Hey, I’m here to help, this is our mission, is to get more women onto corporate boards, and here are the ways that you can work with us.”
So she did it herself, she did a full DIY thing. Just like any business she had some budgets to consider so she came to us with a video recorded and wanted some help editing.
Michele: “We need to be at parity, we’re 50% of the population, why aren’t we 50% of the people at the board table? And that kind of turned me into a big advocate for helping to get a really good program out there to help women get on boards.”
Beth: We didn’t shoot that video, we didn’t have anything to do with curating what the message was but, we support Michele and ACE in that idea because this is a great way for her to connect with her audience and what they’re dealing with when they come to her website, and what they’re feeling and thinking.
Steph: When you’re thinking about DIY and Michele does a lot of– I mean she is on Zoom meetings all the time, she speaks to audiences all the time, she is very obviously, very accomplished and engaging and so it works very well for her to connect with people like that. We’ve done professional shoots with her, we shot a course with her, we’ve shot frequently asked questions with her. She’s great either way!
The purpose is obviously for her to connect with potential clients; Women who are considering maybe trying to figure out how to join board and don’t really know where to start, and she really highlights her credentials in that and very effectively.
Beth: Giving people a chance to get to know you, understand your brand, have a meeting with you without ever having a meeting with you– Great use of video and Michele did a great job with that with that video!