Bringing your video concept to life and turning it into a shareable link across all your digital marketing efforts can feel overwhelming, to say the least. There's much to consider; ✔ How can I ensure I get what I want without overspending? ✔ Will my vision translate effectively into the... We have all heard that people won't buy from you unless they trust your brand. There are plenty of ways to build that trust!  ✔ Share stories of people you've helped ✔ Talk about your values and why you care about what you do ✔ Highlight your credentials and experience.  Good news! If you've... The best part about digital marketing? The amazing possibilities! Believe it or not, we didn’t just write this post. Nope, the Mainstream team crafted this masterpiece in the past. But you’re seeing it in the future 🤯. And if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: video...