Creating 8 videos doesn't have to be hard. One great graphics package can create brand awareness! Learn how we created 8 videos and a few simple editing techniques we use on all our projects, in this week's #BehindtheStream. #StorySELLing #YourStoryMatters  ... Mergers and aqusitions are change and change makes people nervous. Recently one of our customers were acquried and they decided to put their customers (and new buyer) at ease by creating a video to tell the whole story. Check out this week's #BehindtheStream for more! #StorySELLing #YourStoryMatters ... When a company goes through an aquisition, communication is vital for both the companies involved in the merger. Learn how we used lights, framing and all the rest of our production secrets to create an effective video to get that message out for one of our clients! ... Being a thought leader in your space means creating regular content. One of our clients teaches people how literally anyone (no matter what your background) can buy and sell houses and he builds credibility by offering valuable tips on video every week. Learn why the team at Powerful Homes chose...